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The Importance Of Clean Air

We know that using an air purifier to clean out home air can help to prevent allergies and limit exposure to harmful chemicals. However, the benefits of clean air goes far beyond protecting our lungs and helping with our allergies. Clean air actually helps to maintain optimal health & wellbeing. However, we often ignore the quality of the air we breathe as our senses can't detect chemicals, particulate matters, allergens, etc. This is why it necessary to ensure that you are breathing in clear air, see below for a list of what you can do to help keep your air in your home clean.

Benefits of clean air:

  • Lower risk of heart disease

  • Anti-aging benefits

  • Better home workouts

  • Prevent & remove bed bugs, dust mites & small insects

  • Strengthens your immune system

  • Lower risk of diabetes

  • Improved cognitive health

  • Increased happiness

  • Improves air circulation

  • Decreased asthma symptoms

  • Cleaner lungs

  • Reduces dust build up

  • Reduced chemical load on the body

  • Improve skin health & promotes anti-aging

  • Improved digestion

  • Reduce household odours

  • Reduces harmful effects of asbestos and radon gas

  • Improved mood

  • Prevents mould & mildew

  • Increased life expectancy

  • Better your blood pressure

  • Reduces hair, dander, odours & pollution associated with animals and their items such as cat litter

  • Increased productivity

  • Better sleep

  • Prevents, cancer & other diseases associated with smoke & chemical pollution

  • Improved cognitive function

  • Better immune system

  • Enhanced breathing

  • Increased energy

  • Improve blood pressure and heart rate

  • Prevent respiratory & skin allergies

  • Reduces & prevents bacterial & viral infections


- Ensuring you open your doors and windows daily

- Reducing the use of and removing and chemical and toxic products/ items

- Purchasing air purifying house plants

- Vacuum, dust and clean your home regularly

- Avoid wearing outdoor shoes inside

- Reduce smoke inside (cooking, cigarettes etc)

- Avoid synthetic fragrances and air fresheners- Use a diffuser with essential oils instead- VIBRANT BLUE

- Regularly dispose of your rubbish

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